Saturday 31 October 2009

State of the Street: October

How you could cheat on this face? Well, someone is and it's not pretty, is it? There's a lot of ugly in the street in October, including Rosie's panda face when she found out she'd been taken for all her dosh by Luke, Tony renouncing the devil all the while putting a hit on Carla who's returned with an ultimatum and Fiz making an unfortunate marraige.

Such was the State of the Street this month and you can read all about it here.


  1. agree -- but Fiz's marriage wasn't too bad, a jailhouse wedding - that's different!

  2. Tyrone --Poor, sweet baby. He can dump Molly and should take up with gorgeous, fun Natasha after she returns from her sickie leave...or maybe the sexy, flirtatious, gum-chewing Minnie seeing that she's not getting any younger will want to settle down for a nice boy like Ty...

  3. Haha from me too,[panda face].

  4. Aww isn't Ty just the cutest!
