Wednesday 14 October 2009

Molly Dobbs pregnant - but who's the daddy?

I think we've all seen this one coming and today The Sun reveals that Molly's going to find out she's pregnant. She'll be in a tither over whether the dad's Tyrone or Kev while Sally battles with the news that she's got breast cancer.

It's going to be a harrowing few months ahead for all concerned on Coronation Street.


  1. I agree. When I said "all concerned" I meant the fans too. Actually, it's good that Sally and the Websters are getting so much air time but do we have to continue with this ridiculous affair? Argh!

  2. I love a good "whodunner" storyline! Sounds like the show is gearing up for a juicy storyline filled winter!

  3. Oh how predictable! They could have at least tried to make this awful storyline imaginative.

  4. I would have been content with just one -- either Molly getting preggers or Sally getting a disease...but both??? Way too much weight and not necessary to get this plot sinking fast to the bottom!

  5. Aunty Pam will get the truth out o Molly - you wait and see. I think Pammy will get much more involved in Molly's life again and sort it out!

  6. It just gets worse and worse. Kevin's leery face whenever he sees Molly (and someone is soon going to cop on to his constant "chats" with her and turning up in the shop all the time) is driving me potty!

  7. Quick!! Somebody get Maury Povich! Or Jerry Springer!

  8. oh no, she isnt is she.
