Sunday, 4 October 2009

Corrie weekly awards

Keeping happy customers award: Umed for the Machine gun or scary music when the shop door opens.

You should have hired Kirk: Norris who got lumbered with a very wordy woman instead.

Vamp(ira) award: Rosie setting up Michelle with a honeytrap. Yes, Rosie might have lied to set up Luke but he was going to take her up on it, wasn't he?

"I'd rather have Keats" award: John's wedding vows. Toilet seats and dirty socks?

Best friends of the week: Fiz's friends springing a surprise party for her back at home. Just the thing.

Green eyed monster award: Eileen is jealous of Julie and Jesse.

Lines of the Week:

Prison guard: "Marraige isn't just a word... it's a sentence." (And I think Fiz is entering a life sentence. Not in a good way).
Rosie to Fiz: "Wouldn't stripes be a better bet?" (for her wedding dress)
Natasha: "What is the point of having sad lonely mates if you can't rub their noses with your love life?"
Norris: "Knees apart, you're the most promising candidate so far." (oooh err!)
Sean: "Getting married in a flippin' prison. Cilla'd have been proud of her."
Dev to Teresa: "I am your landlord and I am your boss and I DO hold grudges!"
Dev: "I just want my ding back." Rita: "It's your age, it happens to us all."


  1. I like these little specials Tvor! And I think Norris should have hired Kirk! They could have been a new double-act. And they both would have gotten on Tina's nerves!

    Luke's a cad who's currently sitting in his own mess! He made his bed, he can lie in it.

    Yeah - John's wedding vows? Was he marrying a maid?

    I see many funny story lines for Eileen and Julie. Julie's almost her "new Gail."

    "Marriage isn't just a word - it's a sentence." --- Wasn't that chocked full of irony?

  2. Oh absolutely on the irony. I expect it was meant that was as well. I liked the guard though. I think he'd be a right laugh.

    Thanks, i didn't know if people were reading these and enjoying them or not. Most of the awards today were of course very tongue in cheek.

  3. The sillier/more obscure the awards are the more i love them. Keep 'em coming (:
