Thursday 10 September 2009

Is Norris Cole this year's Flavour of the Month?

I know, I know, I've only just talked about how much I dislike Norris Cole but it occurred to me that he's been in an awful lot of storylines in the past year and there are a few more up and coming. First I thought, by 'eck, I'm tired of seeing his weaselly face, can we find a new "flavour of the month"? Then, I realized, Wahey, perfect excuse for a blog post!! It's with mixed feelings that I think it's a good thing we are seeing a lot of Norris lately.


  1. Mrs Norris Wannabe11 September 2009 at 04:42

    I won't hear a word against him.

    Tragedy, comedy, snide remarks and Mavis-class fussing all rolled into one delectable man-sized package.

    What's not to love?

  2. oh my goodness how on earth can you DISLIKE norris even in the slightest he is just so cool! well cooler than you anyway.
