Friday 28 August 2009

CBC scheduling news for Canadian Corrie fans

Don't forget that starting Monday, August 31, Coronation Street will be airing on weekdays starting at 6:30 in most regions. There's now been a change to the Sunday omnibus as well, apparently, as noted on the Corrie Canuck blog. It's a bit odd for them to show something at different times in the various time zones but presumably they're handing the control over to one central button pusher instead of having it sent out from the various regional centres. I don't mind, for myself. My start time, at 9:30 is much more convenient than the former 7:30 a.m. And don't forget, the week's episodes are put online after the Sunday omnibus shows in all regions if you miss it or don't record it.

Starting Sunday, September 6 – the new times for the Sunday omnibus are:

1) In the Maritimes, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba 9:30 am
2) Newfoundland – 10 am
3) Saskatchewan and Alberta – 8:30 am
4) BC/PTN the on air time will remain the same, 7:30.

(cross posting this to my Bluenose Corrie blog)


  1. What's PTN, as in 4) BC/PTN the on air time will remain the same, 7:30.

    Thanks, just curious.

  2. Pacific? I don't really know but I assume it's west/north.

  3. Thanks so much for doing these Tvor!

  4. Gotta keep my compatriots informed! :)
