Friday 24 July 2009

Street Style: Corrie Classic, The Jack Duckworth Files

Where to begin? How about at the beginning? Jack Duckworth definitely embodies "classic Corrie" since his arrival on the street in 1979. Up until this very day, Jack Duckworth remains to be an invaluable character on Corrie and one of my personal favorites!

Plainly put, Jack Duckworth is a man who enjoys the simple things in life: sipping a pint, enjoying his pigeons, and relaxing at home in his vest. Ever since the passing of his dearest Vera, Jack Duckworth has found his feet and a new lease on life again with the help of good old friends and the companionship of a new friend, Connie.

Jack's classic style is clearly based in the trends of decades passed. Jack is a reasonable, unfashionable man who dresses for function, not style. He's simply too cool to care. However ironic, Jack's careless style of decades past is beginning to come full-circle. His style is no longer out-dated, but "retro", or "vintage." It's like running laps: sometimes you're so far behind that eventually when everyone catches around to you up again it looks like you're ahead!

Here's how to look like a man who's ahead of his time:
Vest: Amazon, Joe Browns, 3pk Utility Vests (click here)

Braces: Tim Garner, Men's Braces - Navy (click here)
Watch: Ernest Jones, Accurist Men's Gold Plated Brown Leather Strap Watch (click here)

Trousers: Debenhams, Maine New England, Brown Essential Chino Trousers (click here)

Eyeglasses: Retrospecs, Aviator Pembroke (click here)

Pigeon: You can find your very own Pigeon at Although I DO NOT advocate purchasing a pigeon as a pet unless you have the farm facility and the ability and experience to care for it. A great alternative is go to to the local park and observe these beautiful birds in their natural habitat. Maybe even some places you can bring feed for them!


  1. Bless him - I've got a newspaper article about Bill Tarmey being given a permanent contract and Jack moving into the Street in 1983. But I don't think Vera's stone cladding came until 1989!

    Jack is a priceless Street character and so stylish! The early '80s Vince St Clair experience will never be forgotten. Nobody ever looked that stylish before. And nobody ever has since.

    Mind you, the trends of decades past are often based on the trends of decades past. When my cousin bought some platform shoes in the 1970s, she was devastated when our grandmother told her that SHE used to wear platforms back in the 1930s and '40s!

  2. Yes, history often repeats itself and fashion is absolutely no exception!

    Jack is great because the true key to style isn't following the latest trends, but owning personal style. And that Jack does well!

  3. Bring back Dulcie Froggatt.
