Thursday 23 July 2009

Official ITV Corrie site reveals Street Talk series

ITV has announced it will pilot a brand new online series based on Coronation Street at the official Corrie site.

Street Talk will be hosted by a famous fan and will feature interviews with cast members, on set news, gossip and Corrie previews.

Plus, three video channels will host Cast Talk, with actors talking about current and upcoming storylines, Backstage with behind-the-scenes footage and Video Vault showcasing classic Corrie moments. Later this summer ITV will also release mobile downloads including Corrie ringtones, graphics and games.

It all sounds good to this Corrie fan, and if I may say it, about flaming time too.


  1. I wish this stuff could be available to fans outside the UK. I understand licensing issues keep us from seeing the full episode catch up, but they could let us watch the interviews et al since they're never broadcast. ...sniff...

  2. Lovely except i'll only ever see it if i'm over in the UK>
