Wednesday 15 July 2009

Jack Duckworth leaves Coronation Street, sort of

You probably saw this coming.

The Sun has the story today that Jack Duckworth will tuck his little swampduck's ashes under his arm and depart for the comforts and delights of new love Connie. It won't be the last we will see of Jack, though, and he'll turn up at the Rovers and other locations on Coronation Street from time to time.

The reason behind the departure is Bill Tarmey's health which has been suffering a bit more as he gets older. He's decided to cut back on his on-screen time and take it a bit easier. After several heart operations and now, with some hearing problems as well, he thinks it's time. I am sure we'll see Jack now and then, at least up to the 50th anniversary next year. It'll be another milestone as the last of the Duckworths leave the Street but it's nice to know that Jack will be leaving on a happy note. Nobody will ever take Vera's place, but Connie is a lovely lady and I'm sure she's just what Jack needs in his December years.

Edited: Now, Ian Wylie, of the Manchester Evening News, confirmed with ITV that Bill Tarmey is not leaving the show nor is he cutting down his screen time any more than he already has. As it is, Jack is not seen as often as he used to be so the frequency really isn't going to change all that much. He just won't be living in Number 9. Fair dues!


  1. Tvor, thanks for getting this on the blog so quickly this morning, much appreciated!

  2. Ian Wylie of the Manchester Evening News confirms on Twitter that The Sun's story is misleading and Jack's "leaving" is just an episodic device rather than him going for good.

  3. Yes, which is why i said "Sort of" because he's not really leaving but isn't going to be on screen as much either. Attention grabbing headlines, tsk

  4. Bill Tarmey's only in his late sixties so going part-time will do his health a power of good - far more than retiring wholesale. A wise decision on his part, it would have been so easy to 'jack' it all in permanently.

  5. Glad to hear Jack will be going to live with Connie and will be back for cameo performances and they will not kill him off. Best of luck to Bill Tarmey as well.
