Sunday 19 July 2009

Corrie gold stars and awards for the week of July 13

Jealous Much? Gold star: Molly watching Kevin and Sally come back from a romantic weekend when it should have been her.

Fashion award Sean in Marigolds.

Misery guts award Gold Star: Molly. Didn't she look pathetic mooning through the window at Kevin as the cab drove off?

Brass Neck award Gold star: Umed for soaking every gullible customer that comes in the shop (usually Darryl).

Hissy fit award
Gold Star: Claire. Boy, when she gets in a snit, she really blows a gasket - literally.

Lines of the week:

Claire: "It's a bit of grass, not the water feature at Chatsworth!"

Umed to Sally: "You have the mind of a philosopher and the face of an angel". (He's as blind as a bat, that one!)

Becky: "I was off my face most of the time and so were you." Slug: "But we were 'appy"


  1. I loved Umed's line to Sally. What a salesman. I'd buy a chocolate fireguard if someone sold me a line like that in a shop!

  2. lol he's such a snake oil salesman isn't he?

  3. Oh, the LOOK Molly gave Kevin when she was leaving on her trip. I couldn't even look at the screen! It was just oozing with desperation.
