Friday 31 July 2009

Corrie's fab photo Friday - July 31, 2009

It's the summer holiday season here in the UK, so today's photo is a summery blast from the not-so-distant past, 1999 to be precise. The Battersbys descend on South Wales in Charlie West's campervan, only to end up alongside the Platts and the Websters. I don't remember much about this Coronation Street holiday, only that Toyah and Janice both fancied the bloke who worked on the campsite. Any other details would be much appreciated!
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  1. I seem to recall that that was when Sally Webster started gettin' it on with Martin Platt - or is my meory failing?

  2. Billy that is in fact correct. In fact I think Martin decided Sally was "the one" and was the love of his life, it caused a lot of problems and I dont think her and Gail's relationship was ever the same. Of course it lasted all of five minutes.

  3. Now, you see, I'm confused. I did think that this was the camping trip when Martin and Sally 'got it on', but I think our guesses may be wrong.

    At this point in 1999 I thought that Martin and Gail were still together, and that Wor Mawwwtin was just about to start his affair with Jill Halfpenny.

    2000/2001 before Kevin and Sally remarried and Martin and Gail were long-divorced. I think that Gail may even have started her relationship with Richard Hillman. If Richard was already about, then this would place Sally and Martin's fling sometime in summer 2001.

  4. Ben's right. Martin and Sally didn't get together until after Martin and Gail/Sally and Kevin were apart. Both were free agents at the time though Kevin was not a happy camper at his best friend and his ex.

    This was the holiday that Janice met up with a lovely Welshman and considered leaving Les. Les had an injury or an accident and Martin ended up saving his life.

  5. Didn't Les almost do a Val Barlow by getting electrocuted? The hairdryer replaced by a dodgy karaoke?

  6. Toyah is one character I would have always liked to have come back to the street. They never even bought her in for special occasions or owt.

    Pity really.
