Tuesday 2 June 2009

Vote for soap's best young 'un

It's the final week in Inside Soap magazine's poll to create the best ever soap. This week they're asking fans to vote for their favourite soap youngster and from Coronation Street there's Chesney Battersby-Brown and David Platt.

Cast your final vote here.

The results will be Inside Soap magazine on June 23rd and of course, blogged here.


  1. Isn't this a bit out-dated? David Platt is 18 years old now. I don't think David Platt counts as a youngster, and Chesney annoys me.
    Well, I'd vote for Simon Barlow if he were in the category.

  2. Yeah, the pictures are really old and Simon Barlow would have had my vote too.

  3. Where on earth is Simon?! The best child actor in soapland EVER?! This poll and magazine is seriously out of touch.

  4. I'd have to say, I was quite disappointed with the whole voting poll anyway. Here's some ideas I thought:

    Best barmaid (Bet, Betty, Raquel)
    Best shopkeeper (Rita, Alf, Reg)
    Best churchgoer (Emily, Ena)
    Best hardman (Len, Ray, Charlie)
