Wednesday 3 June 2009

Is Eileen the Street's loser in love?

We've had a lot of Love Losers over the years on Coronation Street. You know the type, the man or woman that not only has difficulty finding a partner but when they do, can never hold on to them for various reasons. Once in a while, a Love Loser finally finds happiness, like Curly Watts finding his Emma. Eileen is Corrie's latest Love Loser and I think it's going to happen all over again for her with the imminent return of Jesse Chadwick later this month.

Read all about it here.


  1. Such a miserable character - she doesn't deserve a partner. maybe she should move on and find somewhere else to live - maybe Spain!

  2. I've never been an Eileen fan, she can be so bitchy. So I don't care if she never finds love.

  3. Aw she's had a hard life has Eileen. She's all soft underneath that outer bitch!

  4. Not only has she had a hard life, she's "had" a life which is more than can be said for some of the wishy-washy women on Corrie. Yes Maria Connor and Claire Peacock - I mean you two!
