Saturday 6 June 2009

Coronation Street weekly awards, June 6

Spy of the week: Graeme Proctor. Up a tree, camo-painted face, code names and everything.

Plan goes wildly wrong award: David set up Gary to burgle Audrey's house. But Ted turned up to house-sit, was surprised by Gary and later, is most definitely having a heart attack. Oh crap!

The Other Shoe dropping award: Finally, Peter has realised he can't stay sober on his own. He went to the support group meeting, was horribly embarassed and self conscious but, cranky and needing a drink, he shouted at little Simon and realised he needed to sort himself out for the lad's sake, if nothing else. I'm Peter, I'm an alcholic. Baby steps, Peter. Well done.

Surreal moment of the week: Hayley turning around in the cash and carry and seeing dozens and dozens of life sized Eddie Windasses with Roy Cropper's name on his chest.

Get a grip award: Gold Star: Joe freaking out without his pain pills
Silver star: Kevin starting to think Jason fancies Tina and looking distinctly jealous.

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