Sunday 17 May 2009

Rob James-Collier, rude boy

Last night, Rob James-Collier and I danced the night away.

Well, ok, so we didn't dance together and he has no idea I exist, but yours truly spotted Rob James-Collier, who played Coronation Street's Liam Connor, at The Specials gig at Brixton Academy last night, Saturday 16 May. And so, for those who'd like to know, here's a few things I noted about Corrie's Liam Connor.

2. He's not as tall as he looks on TV
3. He's got a lovely, clear complexion
4. And as he's a Specials fan, that makes him a Rude Boy


  1. Who was he with?

    He is lovely and tall... I met him back in December (and have a photo to prove it) and I would say he is around 6ft1 - 6ft2

  2. Nah, he's shorter than that. I thought he was a six footer but he's not as tall as me and I'm 5' 10"

  3. I am 5ft6 and my hubby is 6ft and he was taller than both of sure it was him? He towers over me in my photo!

  4. who was he with? friends or his girlfriend? was he dancing? awww...wish I had been there!!!

  5. I never got the feeling he was over 6 foot. Samia is only about 5'3 or so and he didn't really tower over her or anyone else that much.

  6. He was with another guy who I didn't recognise. I passed him twice - once in the queue to get in (where he posed gamely with a fan to have his photo taken) and once by the bar inside. It was definitely him and he's not as tall as he looks on TV.

  7. I met Rob last December and he is the same height as me - im nearly 6ft 2

    Rob is so gorgeous - I love him.

  8. No...he may not be as tall as he looks but I would say he is def at least 6ft!!! He was much taller than me when I met him and I am 5ft6

  9. In Liam's scenes with Tony he was a good 2 inches taller than him, and there's been pictures recently of the TV Now Awards in Dublin and Gray O'Brien is a good 2 inches taller than Ryan Thomas stood right next to him. Ryan Thomas is apparently 5ft 8 or 5ft 9 so that means Gray O'Brien must be 5ft 10 or 5ft 11, Rob surely then must be over 6ft. My guestimate is that Rob is 6ft to 6ft 2 surely.

  10. I've met Rob numerous times and he's definitely over 6', I'd say he's 6'1 or 2.

  11. Yes and remember they always put Samia and Alison for that matter in heels, so it wouldn't seem that Rob would tower over them quite as much.

  12. Alison King is 5'8 and always wears heals in every episode so i'd say he's around 6'0 6'1 but he's not largley talller

  13. I did a movie with him called Mercenaries.
    He is easily 6ft.
