Sunday 8 March 2009

Eddie Windass does The Full Monty

I can't believe I let this one slip without noticing it and blogging.

Coronation Street fan Karen writes in to the blog to tell me that Steve Huison, the actor who plays Eddie Windass in Corrie is the same fella who starred as Lomper in the movie The Full Monty. Lomper was the fella who played the trumpet in the film and is pictured second from left in the movie banner below and in just his pants in the bottom picture too. Pics taken from the Full Monty website.


  1. I've seen this movie but I would NEVER have noticed that this was the same person... I much prefer him in the Full Monty... Then again... I am not a fan of the WindASSes

  2. I know, I've seen it too but never made the connection!

  3. Probably because he looks like he bathes in The Full Monty lol... sorry but it's true!
