Wednesday 18 February 2009

Michael le Vell reckons Sophie Webster's a legend

Brooke Vincent, who plays Coronation Street's Sophie Webster, has given a great interview to The Daily Star in which she fiercely defends Corrie's decision to introduce a Christian to the show. You can read the article here.

Interestingly, right at the end of the piece, it says that Michael Le Vell, who plays Brooke's on-sreen dad Kevin Webster, reckons that Sophie Webster is "a legend in the making".

Brooke says: “It’s a privilege for anyone to have high expectations of you, especially Mike. He’s like a proper dad to me. I look up to Michelle Keegan as well. She’s a bit giddy like me and we clicked as soon as she arrived. She gives me advice on everything.”

See also: Where have you seen Sophie Webster's new boyfriend before?


  1. I also like the idea of a 'born again Christine' on the Street, and that she's not going to let him 'take her up the aisle' before he takes her up the aisle, if you get my drift.

    Loving your blog, btw!

  2. I agree, great blog. Just want to say that a while back I said of Sophie ..."put a hairnet on her, and she's Ena Sharples" Says what she mean, means what she says and remember Ena took great stock in being a "good Christian woman"

  3. Thank you both for the lovely comments about the blog, it's great to hear!

  4. I love Sophie and am glad they're not having her follow in Rosie's stilettos. She always did march to the beat of her own drummer!

  5. It's good to see a Christian within soaps, I sincerely hope that the soap bosses don't make it out to be a cult storyline! There have been too many soaps making evangelical Christianity an evil sect, Brookside and Eastenders to name a few. I don't particularly watch soaps but it's great to see a Christian in soaps, I'm a born-again Christian myself.


  6. I agree, it's a good thing. And i liked the interplay between Sophie and Emily the other night too.
