Saturday 7 February 2009

Eileen Grimshaw and Julie Carp - sisters?

Julie Carp's mum will be turning up on Coronation Street at the end of February. Played by actress Sharon Duce, Paula Carp is an old schoolfriend of Eileen Grimshaw's but there's summat mysterious going on as she avoids Eileen like the plague. In a comment on this post, a Canadian fan wonders whether Eileen's dad Colin also, er, knew Paula and she then gave birth to Julie. This would make Eileen and Julie sisters and confirm Colin's status as a right old rogue. It's possible... and I wonder if it's true? And what'll Rita say when she finds out?

What do you think of Julie Carp now she's been on Corrie for almost a year?


  1. We just met Julie here in Canada on Friday night's episode. I'm going official, and i'm predicting she and Eileen are half sisters. I may be wrong but it's worth the odds.

  2. Tvor, if you're right I'll get you a pint at the next ping!
