Thursday 4 December 2008

Corrie month-by-month review of the year 2008

Here's a quick and easy review of the year in Coronation Street which was put together for a podcast for the Soap Show which will be going live any day now. If your favourite storyline's been left out, do let me know and I'll add it.

Tina McIntyre arrived; Sarah Grimshaw left; Vera Duckworth died; Liam fell down hill in Lake District, woke up and asked for Carla; Michelle found out Ryan not her real son; Kev sent to jail for a month for beating up John Stape

Violet gives birth to Sean’s son - the first baby born in Rovers bar; Becky and Jason got together; Liam and Maria wed; Roy went to Africa to be with Hayley; Rovers Return got revamped

Violet and Jamie leave with baby, Sean distraught - first time Street is Baldwin-free in decades; Victoria Court flats start being built; Chesney taken into care; Gail pays for Tina’s abortion, David finds out and pushes Gail down the stairs, ends up in intensive care. David smashes up the street and goes to young offender’s institution; Molly and Tyrone buy Jack and Vera’s house; Tony Gordon buys Liam’s share of Underworld; Vernon builds the Smoker’s Secret in Rovers backyard; Becky moves into Roy’s flat while Hayley’s away; Leanne and Paul torch Valandro’s for insurance money

Roy spots bat droppings in Victoria Court; Gail Platt’s 50th birthday

Julie Carp, Kirk’s girlfriend arrives; Gail’s dad, Ted Paige arrives; Maria’s unborn baby dies; Liam turns to Carla to cope with his grief

Tina’s dad Joe arrives, Gail gets a twinkle in her eye and a warm feeling in her gusset; Paul Clayton left; Sally and Kev swap houses with Ashley and Claire who finds an original Irma Ogden painting in the attic; Rosie Webster films Liam and Carla’s kiss on her mobile phone; Liz and Harry get together while Vernon’s on a cruise. Harry’s wife Clarissa gets jealous and fights Liz; Chesney’s first kiss

John Stape returned to woo Fiz – hiss! boo!; Molly’s Aunty Pam arrives; Vernon wants to run another pub with Liz, she says no, it’s over; Tony Gordon tries the hard man act with Kevin to get him out of the garage; Rita tempted to sell the Kabin; Tyrone proposes to Molly with the help of a talking egg from Aunty Pam; Vernon starts work in Roys Rolls; Steve and Michelle get engaged, she throws the ring back at him; Blanche thinks Ken is camp when he gets friendly with Ted

Prem and Nina Mandel arrive; Jackie Dobbs returned; Tom Connor arrives; Ken burns his novel Sunday afternoon and settles into mid-life mediocrity; Dev meets his Bollywood wet-dream;
Audrey, Bill, Janice and Roger go on a France booze-cruise - final straw for Audrey and Bill when they fall out and she throws him out of the house; Theresa starts to poison Jerry Morton; Jed Stone (Sunny Jim) returns to Corrie after 42 years

Jerry Morton leaves for Spain; Marcus leaves for London; Vernon tries to win Liz back with his song: (Don’t Fall Into) The Mason’s Arms; LadRags starts up business for Liam and Tom, Carla's involved and Maria doesn’t know; Factory girls win £25k on lottery, Janice defrauds them of funds

Tara Mandel arrives, Dev's in a tangle over Tara and Nina; Roger the plumber leaves, disgusted at Janice’s lottery scam; Liam Connor killed in hit and run organised by Tony Gordon; Rosie kidnapped by pointless John Stape; Tina starts work in the Kabin with Rita

Peter Barlow arrives with son Simon; Hayley returns from Africa; Windass family join the Street; Amber leaves for Finland, but will be coming back; Steve slept with Becky – again;
Norris gets a girlfriend

Carla and Tony get wed; Jessie and Eileen get together; Rosie Webster's 18th birthday - and as for the Christmas spoilers... click here.


  1. Excellent monthly summary!
    November: Becky's court case, Rosie gets released from captivity by Fiz

  2. May: Jerry's heart attack and Norris' attack
    September: The envelope storyline with Emily, Norris and Rita
    November: Norris being asked if he's a transsexual
    August: Jed Stone's first appearance
    November: Jed Stone moves in with Emily

    Just a few that spring to mind

  3. Thanks, both! I've added the major stories you mention, great stuff.

  4. sorry to be a pain in the arse but tony didn't buy the factory off of liam until may after liam and carla had got their groove on.

    1. Haha, glad I'm not the only one to notice;) I'm Carla obsessed;) haha

  5. Hi Clare, you may well be right! ;-)
