Wednesday 10 December 2008

Coronation Street online success story

It's official. Coronation Street is ITV's most-watched programme online. You can read all the ITV corporate blah at The Guardian website (and most other sites around th'internet today).

However, maybe I'm in the minority here but I have never watched a whole episode of my favourite soap online and have no plans to do so either. Watching Corrie means sitting with a cuppa and a biscuit, feet up on the sofa, relaxed and enjoying every minute, every dialogue line, not squinting at a tiny screen on the computer.


  1. I have to agree with you. I have watched a few clips online, but would never watch an entire episode online.

  2. I would LOVE to watch it online, but unfortunately, ITV will not allow anyone outside Britain to access anything Corrie.

    The devils..

    I noticed in an old TV Guide from 1983 that the USA Network carried Corrie everday...Why not now????

  3. It's all about money, I'll betcha ;-)

  4. It's also about international rights to the show or something. i read that recently. The same thing happenes sometimes with the cable stations in the US when i wanted to watch something or even view the website! I download the UK corrie so in a way i am watching it online. On the puter at least. I have watched Corrie online on CBC too, when they were only showing it at weekends during the hockey playoffs. They still have them online but they only put the week's shows up after the Sunday omni now instead of every day.

  5. I logged on to the CBC website and it would not allow me to access the programmes. It said they were 'currently unavailable' although it played the commercial at the beginning!

    There has to be some way we can get access here in the States.

  6. Haha! I never watch a full episode..But I'm always rewatching Carla Connor scenes!;) I love her:) Alison King is incredible! Amazingly talented and so beautiful! Top woman!:) ..But I don't see the point if watching it whole episode online, not when it's on tele!..
