Wednesday 15 October 2008

FAQ: Can I visit the Coronation Street Set?

It's a sad word but it's the only answer we can give to this question: No. 

However, if you are planning a visit to Manchester have a look here for details
of things to see on the Corrie trail.


  1. hi there

    i am in Auckland, New Zealand and travelling to Manchester in July this year (a treat for my 40 birthday) and would be great if the set was open to view
    please please please

  2. I am from Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada and am coming to England in May of this year (09). My dream has been to see set of Coronation Street, to stand in front of Rovers Return door. I have been searching frantically to find out if this is doable. Please advise. I am a big,big,big fan of Coronation Street. At my age, this may be my only chance to travel overseas. I am begging Corrie, please, please, please, open to public, if not for tour, at least for a stop and picture opportunity.

  3. The best you can hope for is hanging around outside the gates to see someone driving in or out. It's not my cup of tea but lots of "fans" do it.

  4. hey there! i am friends with a young lady who has down syndrome and absouloutley LOVES simon gregson (steve mcdonald) i was hoping to take her for a trip to granada but see the tours have now ceased!! anyone have any ideas how i would go about trying to contact him?

  5. You can contact ITV in Manchester via this route:

  6. U.S.Corrie fan29 June 2009 at 00:56

    Any updates on when or if they will resume the tours?

  7. Going to Manchester in October. Was just wondering if you have any definitive answer on whether Granada will be opening up the studios to the public?

  8. Here's hoping they will open the set for the anniversary next year!

  9. is it possible to visit the corrie strret set I am going to be n manchester friday & saturday and would love to go there!! is the set far from victoria road near the men arena?

  10. Will be travelling from Newfoundland to the U.K. this year and passing through Manchester on October 28th. Will the Street be open to the public by then?

  11. in 2007 when the set was closed to the public i did a catering course at collage a we had a tour of the kitchens at Granada and also a tour of the studios and the lady showing us round said that we have a 10 min slot at lunch time to go on the set of corrie and i was so excited when we went on it the actor who played Adam Barlow came and talked to us and we had a tour and all the meat in the butchers is real and has to be thrown away at the end of filming and the fridges in the cafe are to noise when they are plugged in so they are turned of when filming and we wet in side the rovers to and all their was was a half a bar in it and false wall and we went in the canteen and we saw Liz dawn and bill having lunch it was the best day of my life and we got some pictures with per printed autographs on them but u couldn't take any pics because of copy rights

  12. If you go to Great John Street, in Manchester, (at the side of Granada Studios) you can see part of the Coronation Street set from the public road.
    You will see the back of the corner shop, the front of The Kabin and part of Underworld.

    Go to -

    Type in "Great John Street, Manchester".
    Home in the little man to the 90degree bend, then zoom in to Coronation street.

    Hope this helps !!!

  13. i think it is disgusting that canadian people are allowed through a holiday that they can visit the set i live 50 miles away and cant go ! shameful !!

  14. I am equally amazed. Come on Granada, this is totally unfair.

  15. I think its absolutely so awful that they have closed the set of Coronation Street and Granada Tours. They should reopen again as an awful lot of people from what i can see want to go and visit

    I was there twice and really enjoyed it. Is there any petition to sign to have it reopened. someone should begin one

  16. I live in Manchester and have actually been to great john street were they film corrie and have met some of the cast as they walked out of the set of corrie,(sadly you cant go on the set anymore), but my fave has to be Ben price who plays nick Tilsley hes gorgeous and down to earth in real life hes a nice guy! :)
