Saturday 18 October 2008

Corrie weekly updates now on Facebook

The Coronation Street Weekly Updates now have their own group on Facebook, it's right here and you can add the weekly updates web widget to your own Facebook page.

The Corrie weekly updates have been written for th'internet since 1995 and the original membership list was up to 4,500 before the server crashed a few years ago and I had to move the list to the more stable home of YahooGroups and start all over again.

I'm pleased to announced that member number 3,000 joined the yahoogroups mailing list this week. If I had a big cake, I'd share it round everyone. If you'd like to receive the Coronation Street Weekly Updates direct to your mailbox each week, then have a look here to add yourself to the list.

No ads, no spam, just fun and witty Corrie updates, every week, guaranteed.

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