Saturday 30 August 2008

Corrie: New Producer's blasts from the past

Ever since Corrie producer Kim Crowther came on board earlier this year, she's been making regular reference to Coronation Street's past. I'm not the only Corrie fan to notice and Corrie fan Matthew has emailed me with his observations.

For instance, so far we've seen the return of Sunny Jim and Jackie Dobbs but there have been more subtle hints too such as old photos on display in addition to the one of Uncle Albert in Ken and Deirdre's living room. We've now also seen Emily and Ernie's wedding photo, and Jed Stone's pictures of Minnie Caldwell.

But wait, there's more.

Rita recently made a comment about a mug which Mavis bought for her birthday, we've had Audrey reminiscing about Alfeh and Claire Peacock finding Irma Ogden's old paintings in the attic. Has anyone spotted any more recent references to Corrie's blasts from the past?


  1. It wasn't recent but i remember when Sally had Alex the decorator in and he stripped off the wallpaper and uncovered Hilda's Muriel! Bringing Ray Langton back and Jim McDonald was wonderful too as was revisiting Ernest's death. Those were before Ms. C's reign but it's still nice to see.

  2. Ken's University reunion, and his sudden recollection that he used to be an 'angry young man' could be included in this.

  3. Tvor: You're right, it's alawys good to see. Sometimes Daran Little's scripts harked back to olden dates but it stood out a mile as none of the other writers seemed to do the same thing. It's better now though, as there seems to be more of a shared opinion on linking back to the past discretely.

    John: You're spot on. And of course Ken's novel too.

  4. Wahey thanks for posting this. I'm really loving seeing all these blasts from the past on Corrie. I say continuity is so important in a show like Corrie as it has been going for nearly 50 years. I'm really looking forward to seeing what else Kim has up her sleeve...

  5. You cant beat a bit of corrie, particularly over the festive season, the best storylines always come to a head over xmas! Cant wait!
