Sunday 22 June 2008

Corrie's 50th Barmaid

Becky Grainger behind the bar of the Rovers becomes Coronation Street's 50th barmaid, says today.

But if Tina McIntyre isn't running the place in five years time and doesn't have her name above the door too, I'll wear a barmcake on my head.


  1. ITV has got a slide show of every one of the barmaids, even the ones that only lasted a couple of episodes. Oddly, though, they've left off Sean. Far as i know he's not a potman is he? Something to discuss on your next podcast?

  2. Maybe they don't like Sen, I certainly don't! Anyway I heard somewhere that Violet was the 50th barmaid... I wonder where I got that one from?

  3. They probably jiggled the numbers for a bit of publicity, it's easily done. The ITV slideshow was good though, great pics.
