Saturday, 19 April 2008

Is Madonna going through her Liz McDonald phase?

Further proof that Madonna is going through her Liz McDonald phase comes via this new pic of Madonna from ITV's Headcases. Or with her new hair-do, is Liz McDonald going through her mid-life Madonna moment? There's even more proof of the McMadonna merge here.


  1. It's not that it's a phase. Madonna is inching close to 50 if she's not there already and she's still dressing like she did in 1983. Mutton dressed as lamb. Much like Liz who dresses too young for her age. Not that she should be sporting house dresses, a pinnie and curlers under a headscarf either.

  2. I love it that Liz is a walking fashion disaster ;-)

  3. Oh yes, definitely. I'm waiting for her to spill out of one of those low cut tops one of these days.

  4. Oof Glenda how cruel to compare Liz to the Headcases version of Madonna!
