Sunday 17 February 2008

Sean Tully - subtle or screaming?

Overjoyed as I was to finally see a gay man represented on national TV in a prime-time slot, I've never really taken to Sean Tully in Corrie. Reading Corrie fan forums online I know I'm not alone in thinking Sean is too OTT, too screaming, too camp, too much Antony Cotton. You might think differently, and if you do, I've love to read your comments.

But lately, Sean is growing on me and I'm sympathising and taking his side in this whole father of Violet's baby story too. When Antony Cotton plays Sean with subtlety and feeling, sharing his concerns with Marcus, there's a wonderful tenderness to Sean Tully that this fan much prefers. I once rated Sean as the new Bet Lynch and I still think Antony Cotton has it within him to make Sean a Street icon. Just as long as he doesn't start wearing leopard print.


  1. At first Sean was fairly one-dimensional but he became good friends with Jamie and later Violet turned up as a good friend. He's shown a lot of empathy with Eileen and now the whole baby story... it's all given Sean more "character" so to speak and we've seen more to him. I think he's a realistic character, sometimes flamboyant, sometimes bitchy, sometimes steadfastly loyal, genuine and kind.

  2. It'll be interesting to see how he copes once Jamie and Violet leave with the baby. I'm still hoping Sean's will be first gay wedding on the Street too.

  3. Afraid he annoys me immensely. Wish it was someone else.

  4. It's odd because he's annoyed me immensely ever since he came onto Corrie but I've really warmed to him over the baby storyline.
