Friday 28 June 2024

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Friday 28th June 2024

Friday 28th June 2024

GEMMA’S PROBLEMS NEED A REPAIR KIT Kit is shocked to see Gemma being brought into the police station having been arrested for stealing the shoes. Bernie begs Kit to do what he can to secure Gemma’s release. Kit calls at the shoe shop and explains to Bruce that he’s here about the shoplifting incident, can he get Gemma off. Gemma is intrigued to know why Kit wanted to help her and introduces him to Chesney and the kids. Whilst there Kit gets a shocking call from his dad.

BUSINESS GETS IN THE WAY OF PLEASURE FOR JOEL Whilst Dee-Dee gets ready for their engagement lunch, Joel furtively takes a call from Sabrina’s mate, telling him he has to meet her or he’ll regret it. What do they want? 

GLENDA DIVIDES AND CONQUERS When Glenda bangs on about the situation with George and how she wants what’s rightfully hers, Michael’s disapproval is evident and Glenda senses he’s cooling towards her. Glenda calls at the undertakers and suggests to George that if he gives her his house she will drop the case. Will she agree? 

ELSEWHERE Sally calls at the cab office and tells Tim she’s off into town to buy a new outfit for tomorrow. Steve listens, more convinced than ever that Tim’s planning a surprise party for him. When Amy reveals that Tracy’s cancelled her visit and she’s staying in Spain, Steve’s secretly gutted, his plans to win her back, up in smoke. In the Rovers, Steve quizzes Cassie, Kevin and Tyrone about his surprise party. They deny all knowledge and Steve smiles to himself, convinced they’re bluffing. Abi explains to Kevin that she needs to get away for a few days and she’s going to stay with Lynsey and the twins. As Abi heads out, Kevin does his best to remain positive.
Glenda Young
Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!  
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Tuesday 25 June 2024

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street - July 1 to 5 2024

Here are the major storylines for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Monday July 1 to Friday July 5 2024

Shona schemes to get Roy out of his shell, Swain grills Sarah, Steve's birthday party is not what he wanted, Toyah is horrified by doctor's news, depressed Bernie confides in Dev.  

See the full week's preview with pictures at  

Note: If you still see last week's previews when you click through to, please refresh your browser

Glenda Young
Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!  
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Jacob Roberts interview: Can Kit connect with his Corrie family?

Kit has been very reluctant to start any relationship with his mum. How is he feeling about her at this stage?

He is still very angry, he doesn’t want anything to do with her. As far as he is aware she abandoned him twice, once when he was born and then again when he was 20 and he arranged to meet her and she didn’t show up. He has a lot of unresolved issues.

How does he feel about Paul and Gemma?

He is sad that Bernie stopped him from having a relationship with them. He is an only child and he would have loved to have siblings and he is resentful that he has missed out on so much time with them. They still don’t know he is their brother and Paul is dying so time is running out for all of them.

Why does he start being nice to Bernie and arrange to meet her to discuss telling Gemma and Paul?

It is all an act, he is letting her think that he wants to bring the family together and whilst he is being honest about wanting a relationship with Gemma and Paul, he is pretending that he wants to build bridges with Bernie but it is the last thing he wants. He says he will meet her in the pub but he leaves her waiting.

What happens when he goes round to the flat?

He wants to tell Gemma and Paul his version of events. He wants them to know how their mum abandoned him and kept his existence from them. He is determined to make it clear how they all missed out and really make it clear how selfish he feels she was. He does get some pleasure about doing it behind her back. He wants to hurt her like she hurt him.

Do you think Kit will ever be able to forgive Bernie?

Not for some time, he is getting some perverse pleasure from being round where she is and forging a relationship with his siblings. It will be interesting to see how long he can keep that up before he realises the only way to move forward really is to try and forgive his mum.

Also in this week he warns Sarah that Swain is wanting to know about Nathan claiming that she paid money to get him to leave town. Is he worried about being implicated in all of that?

He isn’t too worried. He justifies in his own mind what he did because Nathan was a bad person who needs to be off the streets and as far as Kit and everyone else is concerned he could well be guilty of Lauren’s disappearance so it doesn’t matter that he framed him.

How much a rogue cop is he?

He is ambitious and very complicated. He doesn’t trust anyone because of what happened to him with his mum so he is a lone wolf in many respects. If he can get away with not doing things by the book he will and we will see more of that in the future.

How does it feel to suddenly be a member of this well established family?

It is fantastic, I am having such a great time here and everyone has been so welcoming. Jane Hazelgrove is great to work with and has been such a help as have the rest of the family. I also get to work with other cast members because of Kit being a policeman which is great.

Did you do much research for the role?

I have researched the role of a detective constable but as Kit rarely does things by the book I rely on the scripts. I have watched a few videos of police interviews in things like 24 hours in police custody. That helped for the scene where he was interrogating Toyah, she is a well loved character but Kit doesn’t now her and at the end of the day the remains of a baby have been found, he has a job to do.

For the adoption side of things my mom is adopted so she is able to help me with how Kit is feeling and that has been invaluable.

Glenda Young
Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!  
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Monday 24 June 2024

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 24th June


I don't want to sound like a Tory minister here, but there are plenty of Facebook groups, Gumtree, Craigslist etc to buy or swap kids' clothes. Also, wouldn't all of the quads' feet grow out of their shoes at the same time? Couldn't they just appear one at at time, sharing the one pair of shoes? Anyway, the ones in the sale at the shoe shop aren't Cerys's size and Gemma can't afford the £45 needed for the ones that fit so she runs off with them, literally. Bernie makes her take them back to the shop where Gemma drops them and runs out again and all seems solved when Dev offers some of Asha's old toddler shoes to Ches (pretty sure Dev wasn't in touch with Sunita and the twins when they were that age) until Bernie drops Gemma in it with Ches and he finds out about the robbing. He thought he was having  a good day, having impressed Joseph's mates with his left over kebab tea (hopefully no tahini sauce for the seed-allergic kid) until one of the kids' dads turns up, who turns out to be the shoe shop owner and who threatens prosecution.

Chesney moans about being a bad dad again, although to be honest not having enough money is not being a bad dad. Putting tremendous pressure on Joseph (as in last week's ep) to be the one to succeed and leave the back streets behind is poor parenting.
Also, the private landlord selling the house is confusing me as I thought it was a council house?

I believed Kev had changed, using his cunning to outwit Stefan but he returns to his usual self and lamps him one when Stefan refuses to pay up for the online reputation firm. Excuse me if I'm misunderstanding the internet but if it was Stefan who uploaded the fake vids then surely he can take them down again? I still think it was Corey from his cell doing the dirty vids - I bet Harvey could've set him up with a prison phone. Anyhoo, I reckon the latest Chit Chat is going to be late, what with all and sundry turning up in his office to talk blackmail and make threats as Abi is the latest to warn him off.

Deedee is sorting through millennial pink suits in order to impress the devil's spawn spawners at lunch, although she chooses yellow in the end. The air is cleared with Anthea and Gus (Ganthea from here on in) and everyone's forgiven until Amy lets slip about the engagement and they go off on one again but later come 'round to apologies and tell Deedee that their darling boy has been distant recently. Give the man a break, Ganthea, he has teenage girls to groom, he can't be at your beck and call!

Meanwhile, Joel is sniffing around Sabrina, who is surely too canny to be taken in by that weird pervert. Also I want to know more about Gav's arrest? Was  Noah Olaoye not available to do a scene? It might be that Joel's real target is Sabrina's little pal, who pockets Joel's card when Sabrina's not looking and then tries to blackmail Joel, although he laughs her off.

Steve 'Lame' McDonald is planning his 50th without Cassie but I wonder if snogs will be in the offing on Weds? This is also the same day that Tommy "Double D" O's bust is being unveiled at County. This might seem to be Steve's problem, but quickly becomes Tim's as Sally wants him to be her arm candy for the bust-unveiling soiree. Tim tells Steve he can't go, which Steve misinterprets as a surprise bday party in the offing.

And finally, Michael is exhibiting "weird behaviour" according to Glenda (ketchup on baked beans?! I'm with Glenda on this one), although not as much as Glenda who wants Mikey B to go undercover and befriend George and get the skinny on his plans. However, George also wants to use Michael to persuade Glenda to drop the case. Poor Michael is a bit of a piglet in the middle here.

By the way, I'm loving Glenda's pussy-bow.

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