Wednesday 15 July 2020

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Weds 15 July

ALYA FEARS GEOFF MAY WIN YASMEEN BACK As Alya and Imran, Tim and Faye all to make sense of Geoff trying to retract his statement against Yasmeen. Alya is shocked when Yasmeen calls her from prison and tells her that this latest twist makes her think that Geoff is genuinely sorry for everything. Alya’s horrified to realise Yasmeen is considering taking him back.
ABI CAN’T FACE A FAREWELL Kevin urges Abi to meet up with the twins one last time before they leave for Australia or she’ll live to regret it. Abi breaks the news to Seb that the twins are moving to Australia. Clearly shocked, Seb heads off to phone social services. Seb tells Abi that the adoptive parents are happy for them to meet with the twins and say their goodbyes. What will Abi do?
NICK SEES AN OPPORTUNITY Carla calls in the factory and admits to Nick that she’s bored of pulling pints and feels it’s time she got back into the business. Nick tells her he might be able to help her.
ELSEWHERE Gary turns up at the factory to discuss his rent demands. Adam tells Gary it’s obvious he’s involved in some dodgy deal and that’s why he’s desperate for the cash. When Peter reports that Carla’s in the doghouse with Tracy for buying Amy some expensive trainers, Scott’s quick to criticise him for not taking the rap for Carla. When Adam refuses to mind Bertie as he’s too busy, Daniel’s bitterly disappointed as he’s desperate to see Nicky again.

Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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  1. You mean Carla's brain and talent are going to be put back into use! She can actually be a business woman again instead of hurling slop at Roy's or pulling foamy pints at the Rovers??? About time. For a show that brags of strong women, they don't have a great track record for using the women to their full potential.

  2. Here here! Carla is wasted in the pub and cafe. Why is Adam after Gary again and why are we enduring this snooze-fest of a storyline?

  3. Yes, finally Carla is going back where she belongs! Too long has she loitered in the background pulling pints and cleaning tables. She's a businesswoman and for this past year she's been wasted.
    It's been so disheartening to see strong female characters like Carla and Yasmeen be completely crushed and downtrodden...
    Corrie is a show about strong women, and I can't think of any strong women on the show right now.
    Thank God they seem to be taking Carla back to her roots. Let's hope she regains her status and strength. No more misery, please.
